"Narration" Tab


Narrator Voice

-Accepts either the numeric index of a voice, or the name of a voice.

-You can right-click on the voice field to get a list of voices.


Narrator Volume

-This is the percentage volume from 0% to 100%.

-You can right-click on the volume field for a drop-down of selections in increments of 5%.


Narrate Screenshot

-If TRUE, the hotkey for taking screenshots will be narrated.


Narrate Freezeshot

-If TRUE, the hotkey for taking freezeshots will be narrated.


Narrate DisplayClone Toggle

-If TRUE, entering and exiting Clone-Mode will be narrated.


Narrate Display Freeze

-If TRUE, entering and exiting Display-Freeze will be narrated.


Narration on Screenshot

-Phrase narrated when taking a screenshot by hotkey.


Narration on FreezeShot

-Phrase narrated when taking a FreezeShot by hotkey.


Narration on DisplayClone Enabled

-Phrase narrated when entering Clone-Mode by hotkey.


Narration on DisplayClone Disabled

-Phrase narrated when exiting Clone-Mode by hotkey.


Narration on Display Frozen

-Phrase narrated on display freeze.


Narration on Display Unfrozen

-Phrase narrated on display unfreeze.