
The Fetch script command sends an http POST or GET request to the current IP variable, according to the current variables on the Fetch panel (IP, Timeout, Sitename, Page, Port, and basic authentication username:password). Should a reply be received, a parsing script will be run associated with the current Sitename and Page.

Syntax: Fetch Comment
Example: Fetch Fetch the currently selected IP, Sitename, Page, and Port with currently selected timeout

Associated command may be bound to Fetch to set any or all current choices

Example: Assign IP = Associated command to set IP destination
Assign Timeout = 5 Associated command to set Timeout
Assign HTTPMethod = GET Associated command to set Method to GET
Assign HTTPSitename = "Well Monitor" Associated command to set Sitename
Assign HTTPPage = jsdata.txt Associated command to set Page
Assign HTTPPort = 80 Associated command to set Port
Assign HTTPUsername:Password = admin:pw Associated command to set basic authentication username & password
Fetch Ping with 5sec timeout

Associated command may be bound to Fetch to set or add lines to the header

Example: Assign HTTPHeader = expression Associated command to set header to expression text
Add Line HTTPHeader = expression Associated command to add expression text to header along with line terminating CR,LF
Fetch fetch

Associated command may be bound to Fetch to set or add lines to the body, such as for form parameters using the POST method. (Form parameters would be appended to the Page variable when using the GET method.)

Example: Assign HTTPBody = expression Associated command to set body to expression text
Add Line HTTPBody = expression Associated command to add expression text to body along with line terminating CR,LF
Fetch fetch


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