If / Else / EndIf

If, Else, and EndIf control execution flow based on a conditional test included with the If script statement. Adding an If command automatically inserts a matching EndIf command. Any number of commands can then be placed between the If and the EndIf.

Once an If command has been added to a script, an Else can optionally be added.

Syntax: If Expression Comparison Expression Comment
Syntax: Else Comment
Syntax: EndIf Comment

A set of comparison operators are supported
Comparison: If Expression contains Expression test if first expression text contains 2nd expression text
Comparison: If Expression !contains Expression test if first expression text does not contain 2nd expression text
Comparison: If Expression == Expression test if comparison is equal
Comparison: If Expression != Expression test if comparison is not equal
Comparison: If Expression > Expression test if first expression is greater than 2nd expression
Comparison: If Expression < Expression test if first expression is less than 2nd expression
Comparison: If Expression >= Expression test if first expression is greater than or equal to 2nd expression
Comparison: If Expression <= Expression test if first expression is less than or equal to 2nd expression

Example: If metric == 0 test if metric = 0
instructions added between the If and EndIf are executed only if the If condition is true

By right clicking on an If, an Else may be added between the If and the EndIf

Example: If metric == 0 test if metric = 0
instructions added between the If and Else are executed only if the If condition is true
instructions added between the Else and EndIf are executed only if the If condition is false


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