"Hotkeys" Tab



Freeze Hotkey

-Toggles Display-Freeze.  (see Toggle Display Freeze)

-Display-Freeze can only be entered when in Clone-Mode.


Clone-Mode Hotkey

-Toggles Display Clone functionality on and off.  (see Toggle Display Clone)

-A second monitor needs to be connected before the hotkey can be triggered.


Save Screenshot Hotkey

-Snaps a screenshot.  (see Taking Screenshots)


FreezeShot Hotkey

-Snaps a FreezeShot.  (a FreezeShot updates the display freeze and places the software in freeze mode if it was not)


Freeze Frame Back

-Moves back one frame in the history.  (see Return to Prior Display Freeze)


Freeze Frame Forward

-Moves forward one frame in the history.  (see Return to Prior Display Freeze)